Text and Vocabulary

Meeting People Is Easy

When first meeting a Brit, he or she may seem reserved and cold, but that is just an impression. In reality, they are very friendly and helpful to foreigners. You'll see that the British prefer to maintain a few feet of distance between themselves and the person to whom they are speaking.

There is a proper way to act in most situations. The British are a bit more contained in their body language and hand gestures while speaking. They are generally more distant and reserved than North and South Americans and Southern Europeans, and may not initially appear to be as open or friendly. Friendships take longer to build; however, once established they tend to be deep and may last over time and distance.

There are some common rules to remember:

  • Handshaking is the common form of greeting.
  • The British might seem a little stiff and formal at first.
  • Avoid prolonged eye contact as it makes people feel uncomfortable.

There is still some protocol to follow when introducing people in a business or more formal social situation. There is often a class distinction, with the 'upper class' holding on to the long-standing traditions:

  • Introduce a younger person to an older person.
  • Introduce a person of lower status to a person of higher status.
  • When two people are of similar age and rank, introduce the one you know better to the other person.



1. acquaintance (nc/u) – знакомый; знакомство

    get / become / be acquainted with smb – познакомиться с кем-либо / быть знакомым

2. comfortable – удобный, комфортабельный, чувствующий себя удобно

    feel comfortable – чувствовать себя спокойно, не испытывать тревоги

3. familiar (face) – знакомый (-ое) лицо

4. friend (nc) – друг

    close friend – близкий друг

    friendship(nc/u) – дружба

    build / establish / develop / end friendship – выстроить / установить / развивать  / разорватьдружеские отношения

5. formal – официальный

6. greet smb – приветствовать кого-либо

    greeting (n; often plural) – приветствие

    exchange greetings – обменяться приветствиями

7. help smb – помогать кому-либо

    Can I help you? – Могу я вам помочь?

    helpful – полезный, готовый помочь

8. introduce smb to smb –  представить кого-либо кому-либо

    introduce oneself – представиться

    be introduced to smb – быть представленным кому-либо

9. know smb (personally) – знать кого-либо (лично)

10. meet smb (зд) – познакомиться с кем-либо

11. body language – жестикуляция и мимика

12. distant – сухой, сдержанный

13. reserved – замкнутый, сдержанный

14. shake hands with smb – здороваться за руку; пожимать руку

15. stiff (зд) – чопорный, натянутый

Last modified: Sunday, 29 January 2017, 9:42 PM